Have you set any spiritual goals for the New Year? Last Thursday’s post offered some tips and tools for evaluating our spiritual health and setting some goals. Spiritual growth requires discipline and intentionality. As the apostle Paul said, we must “train ourselves for godliness” (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Today, I simply want to share some discipleship resources to help and encourage you as you work toward those goals. If you have some favorite websites, books, or resources, please feel free to share them with us in the comment section!



Quiet Time Help & Encouragement:

Bible Reading:

  • Bible reading plans – I have 6, year-long plans on the resources page of this website, free to download. The plans vary widely in daily reading length, so you can choose one that meets you where you are in your spiritual journey.
  • Bible Gateway plans – This site (which is one of my favorites) has numerous free plans available. Plus, you can receive daily reading reminders by email!

Bible Study:

1. “Unshakeable Faith: 8 Traits for Rock-Solid Living”

2. “Before His Throne: Discovering the Wonder of Intimacy with a Holy God”

3. “God’s Truth Revealed: Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith”

4. “Embraced by Holiness: The Path to God’s Daily Presence”

  • Women’s Bible Study Cafe – This online study group begins new studies in January.
  • Your church – If your church offers a women’s Bible study group, I encourage you to join. There is no substitute for studying God’s Word with members of your own church body!

Scripture Memory:

Prayer Resources:

Other resources to check out:

Do you know of a helpful resource for those of us seeking to follow Christ more closely in 2015? Tell us about it in the comments!

Titus Bible Study

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