We humans will do almost anything for the people we love. Nurse them through a long, serious illness. Completely change our lives. Step into danger. Sit in the lunchtime drive-thru line at Chick-Fil-A.

All this and more for the sake of love.

God's unfailing lovePersonally, I’ve followed my husband all over the U.S. and Canada as his job has moved us around for the last thirty years. And I would step in front of a speeding truck or fight a vicious, wild animal to protect one of my kids or my grandson.

We would do all we can to be close to, help, and to protect those we love. But has the sheer knowledge of another person’s love for you ever been a guiding force in your life?

In Psalm 26, David expounded on the effect of God’s unfailing love for Him.

Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.
Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart.
For I am always aware of your unfailing love, and I have lived according to your truth.
I do not spend time with liars or go along with hypocrites.
I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked.
I wash my hands to declare my innocence. I come to your altar, O Lord, singing a song of thanksgiving and telling of all your wonders.
I love your sanctuary, Lord, the place where your glorious presence dwells. Psalm 26:1-8, NLT

God’s love motivated David to live a holy life. His constant awareness of God’s faithful love kept him closely obedient to His truth. Like invisible cords, God’s love guided David’s behavior and even shaped his character. Not only did God’s love motivate David to holiness, His faithful love also enabled David to live a holy life.

God’s unfailing love for David fostered a desire to live a holy that would please the lover of his soul. We can respond to God’s love for us in a variety of ways. With indifference, forgetfulness, rejection. Or we can embrace God’s love with gratitude and show our love for Him in return by offering ourselves as a “living and holy sacrifice” (Romans 12:1).

I don’t know about you, but among the trappings of my daily life, I fail to focus on God’s love for me. I don’t consciously doubt it or reject it. I just simply lose sight of it here and there. Oh, let’s be like David. Let’s cling to the truth of God’s unfailing love and not let go. Let’s allow His love to be the guiding and motivating force of our daily lives. Of our every moment. This one. And this one. And the next one.

Listen to Kari Jobe’s “Only Your Love” and think about how we can stay focused on God’s love for us. I’d Love for you to share you thoughts in the comments!


Titus Bible Study

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