Speaking Topics


Want to leave a legacy that matters for eternity? In this keynote talk Kathy shares generational stories and practical tips that will help you spiritually impact your children and their children. 

Deep Roots & Abundant Fruit

God longs for us to thrive in our relationship with Him. He wants us to know Him deeply. He desires for our lives to produce fruit that lasts. This two-session topic explores the life of true discipleship. Session one, based on Psalm 1, discovers the benefits of grounding our lives in God’s Word. Session two, explores Jesus’ definition of discipleship in Luke 9:23 and how following Him leads to fruitful lives.


Difficulties and trials often bombard our lives and threaten to shake our faith in God. We can stand firm on the Rock of our salvation no matter what comes our way. In this first session, Kathy will help us remember 5 truths to stand on when emotions try to lead us astray. In the second session, Kathy will show us 4 ways to rest in God’s grace when the going gets tough. This topic is usually presented in 2 sessions, but could be adapted for a one or three session format.

Lavish Grace

God doesn’t merely give us enough grace. He lavishes it on us with abundance! Kathy will help you discover God’s overflowing grace in your every day life and will challenge you to extend grace to those around you. “Lavish Grace” can be adapted for a one, two, or three-session format. Perfect topic for a retreat setting.

The Game of Life

Do you long for peace? Contentment? The world around us only fosters anxiety and discontent. Kathy will take you on a journey through Philippians 4 to discover God’s path to find true peace in an anxious world and lasting contentment in a world of the perpetual upgrade. This topic can be given in one, two, or three sessions.

Practical Help for Understanding God’s Word

In this one-hour long workshop, Kathy teaches a simple inductive Bible study method and equips attendees with lots of practical tools so they can read God’s Word with excitement and feel confident they can understand its meaning.

Growing Up Together

This 4-session retreat topic walks through the book of Ephesians to discover how God designed the church, why we need the church, and why the church needs us!

A Journey through Acts

This 4-session retreat topic touches on 4 major stories in Acts to discover that Christians are “Called and Equipped, “Prepared for His Purposes,” Strengthened to Endure Trouble,” and can “Live without Regrets!”

Less-stress Christmas

The Christmas season does not have to be overwhelming. In this seasonal variation of “Slaughtering the Sacred Cow of Busyness,” Kathy will show you how to hang on to the important and let go of the rest in order to have a truly joyous Christmas. This one-session topic is perfect for holiday banquets and events.

Christmas Miracles

Perfect for your holiday event! Kathy shares the miracles of Christmas and the glorious news that God still works miracles today.

Titus Bible Study

Join Kathy's mailing list to receive a free mini Bible study on the book of Titus.

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