Don’t get me wrong. Hear me out first. Yes, God is all-powerful, all-knowing, sovereign, and holy. I fully embrace everything God’s Word says about who He is, how He works, and what He can do.
God is not limited. He has no weakness, flaws, or faults. There is nothing too hard, too big, or too far gone for God to conquer or accomplish. But there are some things that God cannot – or will not – do precisely because of who He is.
7 Things God Cannot Do
These 7 things are not a comprehensive list, but they will all help us better understand our one, true God. I pray they also help you to worship Him more passionately and trust Him more completely.
- God cannot be wrong or make a mistake – Everything God does is right. His knowledge is perfect (Job 37:16). All His works are perfect (Deut 32:4). He never even makes an “honest mistake.”
- God cannot sin – God is holy. He is “light” and in Him there is no darkness (1 John 1:5). Perfect holiness. Not a speck of unholiness. God cannot do anything against His perfect, holy nature. He cannot do evil or be tempted by evil (James 1:13).
- God cannot lie – Yes, a lie is sin, so this one is covered by #2. However, since the Bible makes a point of telling us this specifically, I thought it was worth emphasizing! God doesn’t lie like we humans do. He only tells the truth, all the time, every time. (Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2, Numbers 23:19)
- God cannot change – Perfection cannot become more perfect. Since God has perfect knowledge and perfect character, He cannot change His mind or improve His behavior. (Malachi 3:6). By the way, we shouldn’t dare to “update” God’s Word or standards to match our times. Our culture may be changing constantly, but God “does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).
- God cannot break a promise – We can always take God at His word. He is faithful to keep His covenants. What He says, He will do. (Psalm 89:34)
- God cannot get tired – No matter how much God accomplishes, how great and far-reaching His works, He will not grow weary or fatigued (Isaiah 40:28). In fact, He has strength in abundance and is willing to share His strength with us! (Isaiah 40:31)
- God cannot stop “being” – Our Creator God is the God who “IS.” His personal name, Yahweh, expresses the nature of His existence. He exists because He is. He exists outside of time. He has not ever “not existed” at any point, in any dimension. By nature of who He is, He must exist. Isn’t that mind blowing? (Exodus 3:13-15, Psalm 90:1-5, Revelation 1:1-8)
So, what do you think? Do you agree that there are some things God cannot do?
Want to know our wonderful God better? The following blog posts/resources can help:
- 11 Tips for Spending Quality Time with God
- 5 Probing Questions to Meditate on Scripture
- Journaling for the Left-Brained Christian
- Prayers of My Heart: A Personal Prayer Journal
All true – totally true. Thank you for reminding us about God’s nature.
Hi Judith! Thanks for stopping by. Working on this post really had my brain working overtime! I love meditating on the nature of God.
#8) and God cannot let you into Heaven unless you are born again. (John 3:3). And this is another truth: You must be born again.
God cannot change the past, (Agathon). God cannot stop the passage of Time. (Mine).
These statements mistakenly put God within the box of time. But God exists outside of time and its constraints. God Himself created time.