Bible study

Many of us are stuck at home. Our churches and Bible study groups are not gathering. But in this time of crisis, it’s more important than ever that we need to cling to God and stay in His Word.

Below is a list of some free resources of mine I’d love for you to make use of. Plus, I’d love to hear from you. How can I help you stay in God’s Word? How can I encourage you? Comment on this post or contact me through my website contact page.


“Reading the Bible Together” Facebook Group – This private group is a place of encouragement and enrichment for women. For 2020, we are using a reading plan that works through one Bible book at a time. We will begin a new book – 1 Samuel – on Monday, March 23rd. This plan has readings for 5 days a week, giving you two days of “grace” time to catch up when needed. The daily readings and discussion questions will be posted at 5:30am each morning, Monday – Friday. Membership approval requires you answer three questions, so watch for that. 

Fruit of the Spirit: Plant, Cultivate, & Grow – This 6-session Bible study will takes us on a slow, easy walk through Galatians 5:16-25 to help us foster the growth of spiritual fruit in your life. Whether we need some major pruning or just a little shaping up, all of us could benefit from studying and applying what God’s Word says about the fruit of the Spirit. Each session of the study will help us Plant God’s truth in our hearts, Cultivate our own life to receive that truth, and take action to help it Grow! All 6 sessions are free, downloadable PDFs.

Growing Up Together: A 9-Session Study of Ephesians – Paul’s letter to the Christians in Ephesus is a beautiful declaration of God’s grace working in our lives. From salvation, throughout our earthly life, and into eternity, God graciously works in us to bring us to our full potential in Christ. In this study through the book of Ephesians, we will discover God’s purpose, power, and plan for living the abundant life in Christ as individuals and as the local church. The introduction and all 9 sessions are free, downloadable PDFs.

Before His Throne – This Bible study leads you on a 9-week journey through the book of Malachi to discover what godly fear looks in our daily lives and how this biblical attitude will help you find deeper intimacy with God. Sadly, I can’t off the book free. The book is available in print, but in light of current circumstances, ebook will probably be easier & faster to get. The publisher’s site has a link to various ebook sources. I also have FREE RESOURCES that will add to the study experience. Here on my site is free large group teaching videos and printable listening guides for each session. Scroll down to the end of this page to find them.

FREE Discipleship Resources – There is also lots of free discipleship helps, tools, and tips on this site to keep you growing spiritually during this time. Bible reading plans, Scripture memory tips & plans, prayer helps, and more. I hope you will make use of them.



Titus Bible Study

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