The tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas has been heavy on my heart and mind since I first heard about it during lunch on Sunday. I have been praying for everyone in that small community – the church members, their families, those ministering to them, law...
I woke this morning to the news of two terrorist attacks on Christian churches in Egypt. Dozens were killed and more than 100 injured while worshipping during Palm Sunday services. And this just days after a terrorist drove a hijacked truck armed with a bomb into a...
Tomorrow is the Big Day. THE election. In less than 48 hours the American people will have a new President Elect. Some of us may celebrate, some may mourn, and some may not care very much. But the outcome will affect all of us. A new president will bring new policies....
The upcoming Presidential election creates a major dilemma for many Christians. Here’s the basis for our dilemma: Neither major party candidate exemplifies even the most basic Christian ethics and standards. Neither is worthy of the office of the President of the...
There’s a great divide in America today. Misunderstanding, hate, and violence separate black, white, and blue. This divide has grown larger in just the last couple of weeks. We’ve watched it on the news. We’ve seen it in the streets of our cities. Perhaps we’ve even...
Our country is in turmoil. Peace alludes us. One group pitted against another. Hatred, violence, and fear feed an ongoing stream of tragedies. Thursday night, snipers fired on police officers during a protest in downtown Dallas. Twelve were shot, five of them died....
Titus Bible Study
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