This post is the last lesson in a 6-week study series on the Fruit of the Spirit. (You can still access previous posts: Intro, One, Two, Three, Four or Five.) You can read today’s post and make notes in a journal or print the PDF version. When we began this study, I...
My name is Kathy and I don’t have a life verse. And I feel like I just might be the only Christian on the planet who doesn’t. What is a “life verse?” According to the Dictionary of Christianese, a “life verse” is a “specific...
If you’re a mom, you know how to be prepared for anything. You keep medicines on hand in case illness pops up in the middle of the night. You carry snacks in the car when you run errands because somebody will get hungry. You pack a change of clothes for play...
Do you jump for joy when you hear the words “Scripture Memory” or do you break out in a cold sweat? Memorizing God’s Word successfully takes commitment, persistence, and work. However, it is a discipline that will reap many rewards. When you hide the truth...
I came across some sad statistics this week. For the last four years, The Barna Group has conducted a survey on behalf of the American Bible Society to find out how Americans feel about the Bible. One particular statistic really jumped out at me: 19% of Americans are...
Are you ready to share Jesus at a moment’s notice? Sharing the Good News of Jesus with others can be scary for many of us. But, half the battle is simply being prepared. One of the best ways to prepare is by memorizing Bible verses for evangelism. (Also see...
Titus Bible Study
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