Did your purposeful commitment to spiritual growth fall by the wayside some time during the last year? Maybe your time in God’s Word became sporadic. Maybe your prayer time dwindled. Well, there’s no better time to renew your commitment to discipleship and recommit to your time with God than the New Year. This post is chock full of discipleship resources, tips, and tools to help you get started and keep going all year.
A Place to Start
The following four posts/tools will help you figure out where you are spiritually and where God is leading you in the New Year.
- Discipleship Evaluation Tool – honestly evaluate your current spiritual condition. This tool covers 17 different key discipleship areas. Your weakest areas of last year can be great growth areas in the year ahead.
- Spiritual Goals Worksheet – Planning is not “unspiritual.” Living a life that glorifies God will not happen by accident. This tool walks you through specific areas of discipleship such as time with God, ministry, service, and Christian education to help you set New Year goals.
- Setting goals for spiritual growth – These five tips will help you set doable, personal discipleship goals that will keep us growing through the year.
- 3 Steps to Create a Hunger for the Bible – Do you long to hunger for God’s Word but right now your desire is limited?
General Discipleship Resources
The following posts each offer a collection of resources and tools to help you meet your goals.
- Free Discipleship Tools – Collection of Bible Reading Plans, Discipleship Helps, and other tools.
- 7 “Must-Have” Bible Study Resources – If you are serious about studying the Bible then consider building a library of resources to help you. These basic tools that will be helpful no matter what topic, book, or character you’re studying.
- Online Tools to Aid in Your Personal Bible Study – This list of online sites includes tools to assist you in your study of the Bible.
- List of General Discipleship Resources and helps – This list includes websites, books, and other resources.
Specific Discipleship Helps
This last group of resources focuses on a specific area of discipleship like quiet time, prayer, Bible reading, or Scripture Memory.
- Quiet Time Tips
- Bible Reading Plans for the New Year
- Reading the Bible Together Facebook Group
- 5 Probing Questions to Meditate on Scripture
- Scripture Memory Tips
- 7 Activities to Help You Memorize Scripture
I hope these resources will help you meet your spiritual growth goals in the new year. I’d love to hear from you about how God is leading you to step out in the New Year!
Titus Bible Study
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