Does Jesus speak to Christians? Does God communicate with those who love Jesus and follow Him? That question came to national attention last week.
A Quick Review of the Controversy
It all started when former White House aid Omarosa Manigault Newman made derogatory comments about Vice-President Mike Pence’s faith on Celebrity Big Brother. Omarosa said Americans should be worried about the possibility of Pence as president because:
“He’s extreme. I’m Christian, I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things… It’s scary.”
Then the cohosts of the TV talk show “The View” picked up the topic. Joy Behar, who says she is a Christian, said:
“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness if I’m not correct. Hearing voices.”
A couple of the other cohosts worked to balance her opinion, but the audience obviously sided with Behar. The conversation ended with the tone that anyone who claims to hear God speak isn’t quite right in the head.Â
Then Vice-President Pence responded. He called for ABC to take a stand for religious tolerance, citing the millions of Americans who cherish their faith.
Does Jesus Speak to Christians?
I noticed that both Omarosa and Behar claim to be Christians. Yet, they think people who “hear” Jesus speak to them are either crazy or scary or both.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter what Omarosa or Behar or anyone else thinks. What matters is the truth. Does God speak to Christians?
The short answer is “yes.” God does indeed speak to believers. The Bible tells us God speaks to us.
In the well-known Christian book “Experiencing God,” written by Henry Blackaby and Claude King, the authors make this statement:
One critical point to understanding and experiencing God is knowing clearly when God is speaking. If the Christian does not know when God is speaking, he is in trouble at the heart of his Christian life!
What does the Bible say?
Although this topic needs much more time and space than a brief blog post, we can hit the highlights to confirm the truth that yes, indeed God speaks to us today.
The Bible tells us that before Jesus came, God spoke to His people through the prophets and in various ways (Hebrews 1:1). Examples fill the Bible – angelic visits, dreams and visions, fiery bushes and more. Now, in these “last days” – the time between Jesus’ post-resurrection ascension and His return – God speaks to us through His Son (Hebrews 1:2).
Jesus is present with His people, speaking to His people, today. The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Christ – lives inside every true believer (Romans 8:9-11). We can hear God speak to us because His Spirit dwells with us.
The Spirit’s Job in Believers
Here are just a few of the things the Spirit does within believers that helps us to hear from God:
- Gives Spiritual Understanding – The Spirit helps us understand the Bible and the things of God. Much of this seems like foolish gibberish to the world because they don’t have the Spirit to give them understanding  (1 Corinthians 2:9-12).
- Testifies to Jesus – The Spirit always makes Jesus known to us. He reveals truth in our hearts and minds about Jesus (John 15:26).
- Teaches and Reminds – The Spirit not only gives us understanding, He helps us see how God’s truth – the Bible – should be applied to our lives. He helps us see how God’s principles throughout Scripture work together. And when we need specific truths or principles for specific life situations, He brings those things to mind (John 14:26).
- Guides into Truth – The Spirit helps us recognize God’s truth and distinguish it from error and false teaching. The Spirit shows us know how to specifically apply those truths to the current situations and relationships of our lives.
Ways God Speaks Today
So, how does the Spirit’s job translate into a Christian hearing God speak?
- The Bible –  The Bible is the primary way God speaks to Christians today. In His Word, God has revealed Himself, His purposes, and His ways. As we read, and the Holy Spirit does His job, we “hear” Jesus speak. His Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12-13). The Holy Spirit wields it like a sword – to pierce our hearts and prick our minds with God’s truth. (See 11 Tips for Spending Quality Quiet Time with God)
- Prayer – Christians have the very Spirit of God living inside us. When we pray we aren’t just tossing words into the air. And it isn’t a one-way conversation. In prayer, God uses His Spirit to bring us into alignment with His truth, with His will for us. The Spirit miraculously works in our hearts. The Spirit brings Scripture to mind that God wants us to apply to specific situations. The Spirit reminds us of ways we need to act, reach out, love, help, forgive. And when God speaks, we should respond.
- Secondary Ways – Although the Bible and prayer are the primary ways God speaks to His children today, He will often confirm what He wants us to know through circumstances and the counsel of godly people. But, God will never “speak” to us in ways that contradict His Word.
So why does Omarosa, Behar, and many other “Christians” deny that God speaks to His children today? I can’t answer that for every individual, but there are two primary possibilities. First, they may be members of a religious group, but don’t have a saving relationship with Jesus. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the truth that God speaks to His children sounds like crazy foolishness. Second, they may be new, immature believers who are just beginning to learn God’s truth.
What about you? Do you hear Jesus speak? What would you say to a “Christian” who scoffs at the idea of God speaking today?
Great and timely article, Kathy. Thanks for jumping in on this topic. I’m reposting on my Facebook page.
I believe that God is still speaking. And for all the Bible has to say about social justice (and it says a LOT), I wonder if maybe God might be speaking to many, many people today…but our leaders, just like then, claim the Name but are too proud and self righteous to listen.
I think…might be wrong but the book that you are quoting..Experiencing God was written by Henry Blackaby…not Henry Black.
Wow! Yes, you are right! That was a careless mistake on my part. It is corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.
if another questions the communication of Yeshua with humans, i would encourage him to –
1- read bible DAILY…even if just a few lines (if time is short), and if one doesnt know WHERE to read, glance at the calendar…if it is the 19th, read the 19th chapter of proverbs (31 chapters in proverbs, same as the number of days in most months); [get to KNOW Him!]
2-before reading, ask God to reveal to you any displeasing aspect of your life…then clean them up, and go to #3, [contrite, repentant heart…and humility];
3-ASK Him to speak to you as you read His word [SEEK Him]
4-underline and keep notes, perhaps topically on index cards, or at least in the margins [pay attention! i mean, we are talking about LIFE INSTRUCTIONS here, not shackles!]
5-before sleeping, ask your loving heavenly Father to minister to you even as you sleep….giving you a wonderful rest with the sweetest of dreams! [unless of course you already know everything and are already getting plenty of rest!]
6-in everything give thanks, both good as well as seemingly bad! [humility, not to mention He WANTS us to be thankful!]
Thanks for the practical tips!
The Holy Spirit speaks to every Christian who opens their hearts and ears to hear him. It is very Biblical and those that deny it are either ignorant of the truth or possibly not Christian at all. Thank you for addressing this issue. I don’t watch much of the main stream media anymore and I was entirely unaware of this situation. God bless you for speaking out on the subject.
What can i say, the things of the Spirit are foolishness to the unsaved. Jesus said my sheep hear My voice. The God who created man in His own image and gave mankind the ability to speak has not suddenly become mute.
God is a Spirit being who sees, hears and speaks. Mostly He speaks to us (Yes He does) through scriptures but He also speaks directly to our spirit man.
I’ve heard the Lord’s voice a few times in my life and i know His voice when i hear it.
Kathy, thanks! And thanks for sharing your great posts every week!
Realy!!!! God is there Me on 27 June 2019 at 1 am when I was closing my small shop! I saw de cross coming down!!!! It was after I had fasted asking God to show himself to me!!!! Or My God He came. I really got scared….Jesus is real
Thanks for this article. GOD is HIS WORD. HE speaks to us always through HIS WORD (John 1:1). JESUS is HIS WORD(John 1:14, Rev 19:13). The WORDS of JESUS are spirit(John 6:63). GOD also speaks to us through HIS SPIRIT in different ways in – dreams, revelation, visions, trance, circumstances etc if we search for HIM with all our hearts (Jere 29:13). Thanks.