Read this post to discover a free, new resource – a 6-week Bible Reading Plan all about God’s lavish grace!
I can’t get through a day without God’s grace. Just as water is essential for my physical life, God’s grace is essential – and thankfully, abundantly available – for my daily life.
Like a spring-fed river, God’s divine grace flows constantly. Sometimes His grace is quiet and deep, patiently soaking into the dry nooks and crannies of our souls. Other times it surges, cascades, and pounds, working to smooth our sharp edges and wash away deposits left behind by the world.
No dam can stop it. No bank can contain it. God’s grace knows no bounds.
Do you want to experience more of God’s lavish grace?
A 6-Week Bible Reading Plan All About God’s Grace
Get the new “Lavish Grace” Bible reading plan delivered to your inbox.
You, too, can dive into the depths of God’s lavish grace with this 6-week Bible reading plan. This doable, 5-day a week plan follows the life and teachings of Paul to help you recognize, rest in, and share the glorious grace of God.
The Apostle Paul understood God’s grace in a way most of us never will. This man who persecuted and killed Jesus’ followers received His grace in lavish abundance. Paul, the self-proclaimed “worst of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:16), experienced the overflowing richness of God’s grace. And he was never the same.
Not only did Paul live his life as an expression of gratitude for God’s unbounded grace, but a river of grace flows through his writings as well. In his letters, Paul shows how God’s grace washes through and over every part of a believer’s life. His grace is not “just enough” for us and it’s far more than “sufficient.” It is freely given. Abundantly poured out. Without boundaries or limits.
The 6-week plan is divided into three 2-week sections:
- Poured Out (Weeks 1-2) – God woos us to Himself with His grace, calling us into a saving relationship with Jesus. Then He continues to pour out His grace into our lives to spiritually transform us into the likeness of Christ.
- Poured Through (Weeks 3-4) – God doesn’t want us to be stagnant pools of grace. He longs for us to be channels of His grace extending it to others in practical ways through word and deed.
- Overflowing (Weeks 5-6) – In those inevitable difficult seasons of life, God overflows our lives with His grace to sustain, strengthen, and comfort us.
Two ways to get even more from this new 6-week reading plan
Print this plan, stick it in your Bible and do it on your own time table during your time with God. But if you’d like to take it to the next level, here are two ways:
- Do it in community– Get support, accountability, and the insight of others by joining the Bible Study Hub community group on Facebook. Bible Study Hub (an online group just for women!) will begin this reading plan together on Monday, July 9th. Follow the link and request to join the Bible Study Hub closed group.
- Do it with the “Lavish Grace” Bible study– You can do the reading plan and study on your own or along with the Bible Study Hub Facebook group. Although the reading plan is 6-weeks and the Bible study is 9-sessions, you can easily do them together by completing 3 sessions of the study every two weeks. The reading plan shows you how to break it down. Order the Bible study now from New Hope Publishers and get 20% off the list price by using the coupon code LAVISH20
Hello Kathy, I’m excited to start this wonderful study with you! I learned about your study & book from an email newsletter I get from Katie Orr.
Hi Kelly! Glad to go on this journey through God’s Word with you!
Hi my name is Eula Smith I have been a Christian my years now but I like to go deeper in the word of the almighty as I continue my walk with him Thanks u
I look forward to doing this study!
Ann, I pray God blesses you through your time in His Word!