Uniquely You


It’s Mug Monday! Each week this summer we will seek to make some sense out of the wisdom or humor written on the side of a coffee mug. Pull up a chair and join me in a cup of coffee!

There are over 7 billion people on planet earth, but no one is exactly like you. There is only one “you.” You are unique.

Your uniqueness extends far beyond your physical characteristics. No one else has your exact life experiences, gifts, talents, personality, passions, knowledge, wisdom, or skills. You are uniquely you.

The wisdom on today’s coffee mug reflects a truth we see in Scripture:

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10, NIV

The Greek word translated as “workmanship” in the NIV is poiema. The English word “poem” is derived from it. We are God’s spiritual “handiwork.” If you have been born again through a personal relationship with Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-10), you are a “thing of His making,” God’s own design.

Every believer has not only been chosen by God, He has also prepared a specific purpose, an individual set of “good works” for each of us to accomplish. Then He gifts and equips us so we have what we need to fulfill our purpose (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11). Isn’t that amazing?

God establishes a unique purpose for each of us. He prepares us to carry it out by equipping us with a unique set of gifts, talents, passions, and experiences. Yet so often we expend our energy trying to be something we’re not. We waste our dreams wishing to be like someone else. We squander our time pursuing the wrong passions.

My challenge for us today is to embrace God’s design and purposes for us. Let’s stop trying to be someone else and rejoice in the unique person God has designed us to be!

Have you ever wasted your time and energy trying to be someone other than the unique individual God created you to be?


Titus Bible Study

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