Mug MondayIt’s Mug Monday! Join me each week through the summer to see the featured mug (some mine, some yours, & some borrowed). We will seek to make some sense out of the wisdom or humor written on its side. Pull up a chair and join me in a cup of coffee!

Gratitude doesn’t always come easy. Oh, sometimes it does. Like when everything seems to be going our way and there’s money in the bank and the family is healthy. Or when someone does us a big favor or helps us out of a problem of our own making.

But the Bible tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Really? Thank God in everything? Yes.

Trials? Yes. Struggles? Yes. Losses? Yes.

GratitudeThis does not seem logical to our human thinking. Why would we thank God when things are bad and times are hard? The Bible says that an attitude of constant gratitude is God’s will for us. The Bible also says that God is constantly working in all things for the good of those who love Him.

Let’s put this together. No matter our circumstances – seemingly good or bad – God is working in them to bring about good for us. That is always something to be thankful for!

On top of that, purposefully fostering an ongoing attitude of gratitude towards God benefits us. I just found 4 specific things in Scripture (and I’m sure there are many more!).

4 Reasons to be Thankful for Gratitude:

1. Peace – A constant attitude of gratitude eases our anxiety over trouble and trials and shifts our focus to the One who is able to work in them all. (Philippians 4:6-7)

2. Dependence – Consistent thankfulness keeps us dependent on God and not ourselves because we constantly recognize His authority and purpose. (Colossians 2:6-7).

3. Fellowship – Gratitude forges the bonds of Christian love and fellowship as we humbly walk in faith together. (Colossians 3:15-17).

4. Presence – Thanksgiving paves the way into God’s presence. (Psalm 100:4)

A constant attitude of gratitude glorifies God (Hebrews 12:28) and is for our good. Let’s practice a little gratitude today.

Let’s share with each other. What are you thankful for today?

Titus Bible Study

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