harvest prayerLast week I was on a “ministry cruise.” Yes, yes, I hear you. “Sure, you were.” Seriously, I went on a four-day cruise with a small group of women who work together as advocates for a particular work of God in Bangladesh. And we spent lots of hours, praying, studying, and planning. But we also had  a lot of fun together!

One thing that struck me during our meetings – even with as much as we’ve seen God do already – there is so much work still to be done. So many people in Bangladesh, America, and around the world that do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So many, many people who would be forever separated from their Creator if they died today.

What can we do? What can we do as individual believers and churches to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ? Here are 3 things we can do today:

1. Go – We can go and tell someone about the eternal salvation that can only be found in Jesus. He is the “way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). “Salvation is found in no one else. There is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Although the whole world needs Jesus, we don’t have to move across the world to tell – unless Jesus calls us! We can go on a short-term trip. We can go around our city. We can go next door!

2. Give – Missionaries – long-term and short-term – need our financial support. Even small amounts can be used to support the work of Jesus around the world.

3. Pray – I think we too often turn to prayer as a “last resort” or when we can’t do anything else. Prayer should be our first, last, and everything in between mode of operation. Pray for God’s guidance in what He would have you do. Pray that He would supply the needs of the missionaries on the field. And pray that He would send more laborers into His harvest field.

Today, on Labor Day, I think it’s appropriate that we pray for God to send out more workers into His harvest field. So many people do not know Jesus. The harvest is indeed plentiful. And sadly, the workers are few. Will you join me in this prayer today?

Lord Jesus, so many people around the world are lost, separated from You because of their sin. Call your people to go and tell. Raise up workers to the harvest! Expand Your Kingdom and bring glory to Yourself! (Feel free to add your prayers in the comment section!)

Do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior? Here’s how you can.

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