I woke up this morning feeling worried and anxious, with several things heavy on my heart and mind. When I sat down with my coffee, my Bible, and my journal, I actually made a list because I intended to pray through them. Half a dozen items stared back at me from the page. And none of these things are minor. Barring a miracle, none of them will be resolved in a week, a month, or even this year. Some of them won’t be fixed this side of heaven.
As I stared at this list and began to pray, God brought a verse to my mind:
Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
So I found it in my Bible and read it. Okay, sounds good, but sometimes easier said than done. Then I read the verse in it’s larger context (1 Peter 5:5-9) and a couple of the cross-references (Matthew 6:25-34 and Matthew 10:29-31). The truths God showed me this morning helped and encouraged me. Maybe they will help and encourage you too.
1. Contemplate God’s concern for you – God’s care and concern for us is deeper than we can imagine. Because He is omniscience, He knows every small detail of our lives, the tiniest bit of turmoil. In Matthew, Jesus tells us God puts the colorful blooms on the flowers of the fields and keeps track of every sparrow in every tree. If God is that attentive to the flowers and the birds, how much more does He care about you, the one He made in His own image?
2. Get and stay humble – Look at 1 Peter 5:5-6. We can’t pull verse 7 out of its greater context. Just before Peter tells us to “cast our cares on God,” he tells us to “clothe yourselves with humility… humble yourselves under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” So, what does this have to do with casting our cares on God? It’s hard to give God our cares and concerns when we pridefully think we can handle them; when we think we know the best way to work them out. Truly giving our worries to God requires humility so we can trust Him to do what’s best in His time frame.
3. Watch out for Satan – What?! Our enemy does not want us to trust God. He wants us to handle things our own way. He wants us to take our troubles back from God and worry them to death. Don’t do it! Be disciplined against his temptations by standing firm on God’s truth. Cling tightly to your faith in the One who cares and can do something about it!
Well, nothing on my list has been resolved since I began writing this post. But my resolve to trust God with them is stronger. My awareness of His concern and care for me is renewed. I will continue to wait on Him.
Do you believe God cares for you? What do you need to “cast” on Him today?
I became anxious last night and it carried into this morning. I am going to write things out and use those verses to pray over my concerns and hand them over to God like you suggested. Thank you for this real way to handle anxious feelings and concerns! God knew I really needed this today!!
Thank you Kathy! You are such a blessing!!!!