Kathy Howard
unshakeable faith for life

How to Understand the Bible: Literally or Figuratively?
One of the most fundamental guidelines for properly understanding the Bible is known as the “literal principle.” We should read and understand the Bible literally. The Literal Principle is just one of a set of established rules for solid and faithful interpretation of...
Older Entries
Why Are There So Many Bible Translations?
So. Many. Choices. Really, why do we need so many different Bible translations? Isn't one enough? Unless we read Hebrew and Greek – the original languages of the Bible – we must choose from the many English translations of the Bible. But there are dozens and dozens to...
What My Quiet Time Looks Like
We talk a lot about having a quiet time with God, but not as much about what it is or what it looks like. Although the term isn't in the Bible, Jesus modeled it for us. Christians use the phrase "quiet time" to describe that regular, intentional time we spend alone...
25-Day Thanksgiving Guide
Thanksgiving is almost here. It's that time of year when we put greater emphasis on being grateful, when we contemplate all God has done and provided. But often we struggle with expressing our gratitude to God. Sometimes we allow the busyness of the season to derail...
Quick Tips for Handling 8 Different Biblical Genres
I love to read. I read fiction and non-fiction. In fiction, I particularly like legal thrillers, biblical fiction, and WW2 historical fiction. I read lots of biblical commentary and theologically heavy non-fiction like A.W. Tozer and R.C. Sproul. But I don’t handle...
3 Steps to Foster a Hunger for God’s Word
Do you hunger for God's Word? If you didn't own a Bible, would you stand in line for hours to possess one? Many years ago, I witnessed a desperation for God's Word from some spiritually hungry people. The people on the street crowded in tight around us. They stretched...
Only have 15 minutes for a quiet time?
Many Christian women today run hard and fast all day long. Whether you are a full-time mom, have a demanding career, or balance work and family, it can be hard to find even a few minutes to sit with quietly with God, read His Word, and pray. Some days there's simply...
The Trinity in the Gospel of John
I thought a lot about the Trinity during my recent study of the Gospel of John. In his account, John emphasized that there is only One true God. But John also showed that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God. One God, three divine Persons. The word...
4 Different Ways to Read the Bible
According to a 2022 report by the American Bible Society, almost 25% of Americans don't read the Bible because they "don't know where to start." Approaching the Bible for the first time - or the thousandth time - can be overwhelming for many of us. That's why I...
7 Differences between the Gospel of John and the “Synoptic Gospels”
One day in a grocery store parking lot, I shared the first five verses of the Gospel of John with the young man who helped me with the bags. I don’t remember how the conversation about spiritual things began, but he questioned the divinity of Jesus. I had memorized...
Titus Bible Study
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