Thanksgiving is almost here. It’s that time of year when we put greater emphasis on being grateful, when we contemplate all God has done and provided. But often we struggle with expressing our gratitude to God. Sometimes we allow the busyness of the season to...
We see the verse on coffee mugs, t-shirts, and wall decor. It’s probably the most well-known and oft-quoted verse from Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13, NKJV Unfortunately, it’s also one...
I thought I knew him. I followed his ministry. And over the years, I have read and reread his writings. But not long ago, I realized I didn’t know as much about the Apostle Paul as I thought. (For more on how to study the Bible see “The 4 R Bible Study Method...
When my kids were young, I learned the hard way to be very careful about making promises. Why? Because sometimes, no matter how much I may have wanted to keep the promise, the circumstances were beyond my control. For instance, a promise of a trip to the park could be...
Gratitude and peace have been pretty illusive the last few years. In fact, we’ve had plenty of reasons to be anxious – worldwide pandemic, racial strife, supply chain issues, and rising costs. Plus, on a good day we live in a culture that breeds anxiety....
Many of us have experienced a lot of grief and difficulty in the last few years. We’ve lost loved ones. We’ve experienced illness, job loss, and financial strain. About now, you may be wondering how much more you can take. But I do have some good news. God...
Titus Bible Study
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