Without the resurrection we have no hope for eternity. Jesus’ death on the cross is not sufficient to provide the abundant and eternal life God has promised us. The apostle Paul firmly believed the cross was not enough. Read what he wrote to the Corinthian Christians:...
Should Christians judge the morality and behavior of the world around us? The cultural norm in America has shifted dramatically in the last few years. In fact, almost every day, another story pops up in the news revealing an ever-widening gap between the world’s...
The Cross. A cruel instrument of death for the ancient Romans. A symbol of forgiveness and life for Christians. But since Jesus Christ willingly gave His life on the cross to secure our salvation (John 3:16) more than 2,000 years ago, people have been divided over how...
Yesterday, while visiting another church in our new area, one of the ministers said something that bothered me the rest of the service and into lunch. The children’s minister introduced a ten-year-old girl who had recently decided to follow Jesus. Right before...
We don’t have to travel to a foreign country to encounter a different culture. Not only has the world come to America, but also the American culture embraces values far different than the godly standards Christians seek to live by. How can we connect with others so...
I have a fresh interest in St. Patrick’s Day this year. Since last March 17th I discovered that I’m sort of Irish! For Christmas, Wayne gave me a DNA kit from Ancestry.com. It was something I’d been wanting to do. Basically, the test confirmed what I suspected – I’m...
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