What comes to mind when you first hear “Christmas?” You may feel overwhelmed by the busyness of shopping, cooking, and cleaning that often fills this time of year. Or, you may happily anticipate the decorating, parties, cookie exchanges, and plethora of...
I have mixed feelings about using a devotional. I know, that sounds funny coming from someone who has written several devotional books, so let me clarify. Printed devotionals and daily online devotions can be wonderful guides and supplemental tools, but they should...
The book of Hebrews was written to believers who were spiritually tired and needed encouragement to keep going. The following post is adapted from Kathy’s new devotional book “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Book of Hebrews.” My husband and I enjoy...
Christmas is less than two weeks away. You may be “not even started,” “all done!” or somewhere in between. But wherever you are in that process, it’s not too late to take some time to focus on Who we celebrate. And I want to help. MY GIFT...
My mother used to tell a story about me to which most moms of young children can relate. One day, when she ran into the bathroom for just a moment, I immediately began knocking on the door, demanding her attention. In frustration, she said “Can’t I get just a little...
As I write this letter from my home office, I’m wearing red plaid pajamas and a sling. Ten days ago, I had shoulder surgery to repair my left rotator cuff. Therefore, this year has looked far different than usual in the days leading up to Christmas. The surgery forced...
Titus Bible Study
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