Sunday, January 23rd is “Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday. This observance emphasizes the intrinsic value of all human life at every age and life stage. It particularly focuses on the value of life in the womb. A very real battle continues to rage in our...
Godly wisdom fuels godly decisions. Lack of wisdom produces decisions that may result in trying or even devastating circumstances. We experienced some huge challenges over the last 12 months – many beyond our control. But as we look around our world and our...
Who has the right to establish truth? Our culture think it does. And sadly, many Americans agree. Including some Christians. The pull of the cultural tide is a powerful force. The changing current of society calls us to jump in and go with the flow. It woos us with...
Hardship has been part of the human story since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden and sin entered the world. But, why? Our all-powerful God could prevent every evil and difficulty if He chose. So, why doesn’t He? Why does God allow suffering in the lives of...
Yes, God is good in the midst of grief, struggle, and loss. Recently, many of us have asked ourselves if God is still good. Many are sick. Many have lost jobs. Or savings. Or loved ones. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, some may be thinking God is good. Others,...
The current world situation is unprecedented for our generation. Illness, unemployment, and economic struggle fill the news. Every day, the stories about the impact of COVID-19 only seem to get worse. It’s so easy for us to succumb to fear and worry. Where is the...
Titus Bible Study
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