I am so glad the mid-term elections are over! Politics cause far too much disagreement – even in the church. With good conscience and personal conviction on both sides, sincere Christians can be divided over party lines. It’s one of those areas like alcohol,...
According to recent style magazines, the shag haircut of the 1970’s has come roaring back! All the groovygirls are wearing it. Yes, trends come and trends go. And many even come around again. In fact, I’ve noticed a few Christian trends popping up in the church. I...
Do you too often feel like you are doing religion instead of living out an abundant relationship with Jesus? If you tend to fall into legalism, busyness, or burn out, your faith just may be “inside-out!” In Monday’s blog post, we defined inside-out...
I saw a video yesterday that perfectly illustrates God’s design for the church – diversity within unity. This commercial for Android features two grand pianos. Both have 88 keys. One has the full range of notes. The other has 88 keys all tuned to middle C....
Yesterday, while visiting another church in our new area, one of the ministers said something that bothered me the rest of the service and into lunch. The children’s minister introduced a ten-year-old girl who had recently decided to follow Jesus. Right before...
Are we living out true, authentic faith in Jesus or simply fooling ourselves? It’s easy to tell, if we take an honest look. The apostle John challenged first century believers – and believers today – to do just that. In his first letter, John clearly laid out signs of...
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