This post is an excerpt from Kathy’s newest devotional book “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Gospel of Mark.” This book would make a great gift for any of the mothers in your life this Mother’s Day. The forces of nature regularly demonstrate...
Work looks a little different this Labor Day. Since the COVID-19 quarantine, many have been working from home. Kitchen tables have become desks and meetings have become virtual. And sadly, many have lost their jobs. Even in the midst of staying at home,...
There’s a lot we don’t know about heaven. We don’t know exactly what heaven will look like – or what we will look like! But, praise God, I do know how we will be spending much of our time. We will be praising God for all eternity! Then I heard...
Grace bookmark The stress of the last few months has had far-reaching effects. On our emotions. On our health. And on our relationships. When you’re forced into almost constant proximity with the same people, for days on end, sometimes it’s hard to be...
November is National Family Caregivers Month. Today’s post is by my guest Sarah Forgrave, author of “Prayers of Hope for Caregivers.” Today’s post is also a GIVEAWAY! Read to the end of the post to discover how to enter for a chance to win a...
As soon as our daughter announced the impending arrival of our fifth grandchild, we immediately began to hope for a girl. Of course, we would have welcomed and loved another grandson just as much. But we already had four and wanted the full grandparent experience....
Titus Bible Study
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