Are You “Blessed?”

Are You “Blessed?”

Today’s devotional thought was written by Kimberly Texidor, minister, Bible teacher, and leader of the Facebook group “Soul Tired: A Walk 90-Day Walk through the Psalms for the Weary Traveler.”   (It’s not too late to join in!) This devotional...
Why Do You Follow Jesus?

Why Do You Follow Jesus?

This isn’t just a rhetorical question. I am asking it of myself this week. Why do I follow Jesus? The question came up during my daily Bible reading in the sixth chapter of John. Jesus had just fed more than 5,000 people with just 5 small loaves of bread and 2...
Are Your Plans Out of Control?

Are Your Plans Out of Control?

When our oldest daughter graduated from high school, we booked a summer cruise to celebrate. The family would spend seven days in the Caribbean on a floating resort! We researched the ports and excursions. We checked the weather to pack the right clothing. We...

Titus Bible Study

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