Many Christian women today run hard and fast all day long. Whether you are a full-time mom, have a demanding career, or balance work and family, it can be hard to find even a few minutes to sit with quietly with God, read His Word, and pray. Some days there’s...
An incredible abundance of Bible study resources is available to us today. Between websites, apps, and good old-fashioned books, we have access to a wide range of resources and information. But resources can also be overwhelming and distracting, and we don’t need them...
Our grandson Micah had a really bad habit when he was about 6 or 7 years old. Whenever ad adult began giving instruction or sharing information with him, he would interrupt with “I know” before we could even finish our first sentence. He wanted to jump...
Time to choose a new Bible, but overwhelmed with the sheer volume of the choices available? Dozens of translations combined with a myriad of features yields hundreds – if not thousands – of specific Bibles to choose from. Selecting a new Bible can be a daunting task!...
Familiar Bible passages are a bit like old friends. Because we’ve known them so long and are so comfortable around them, we don’t expect to find anything new or different when we’re with them. And if there was something about them we didn’t know, we might miss it...
Titus Bible Study
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