About ten years ago I was speaking at a women’s conference and attended a breakout a woman led on creative Bible journaling. This “journaling” was really beautiful art. She showed us how to visibly and creatively express the truths found in a passage in the margin or...
Maybe you’ve heard the term “inductive Bible study” but aren’t exactly sure what it is. Or maybe you’re familiar with the meaning but have never used this method to study the Bible before. This post will define the term, explain the goal,...
If we want to know God better and grow spiritually, we need to be in His Word. And that doesn’t happen by accident. We need to be intentional. We NEED a Bible reading plan. How do you plan to be in Scripture in the new year? It is not unspiritual to plan. At...
When you read the Bible, do you look for Jesus in the Old Testament? Everything in the first 39 books of the Bible points to Jesus and His saving work. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells the one story (metanarrative) of God’s redemption through Jesus...
“What are your top two challenges when it comes to prayer, Bible reading, and study?” That’s the first question I asked on Facebook last week. Distractions and trouble focusing overwhelming topped the list. So, I asked a second question. “What do you do to stay...
Titus Bible Study
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