Okay, I admit it. I used to avoid reading the boring parts of the Bible. Sections like genealogy lists, the greetings at the end of epistles, and many parts of the Old Testament law. Particularly those civil laws like what to do if a neighbor’s ox falls in your pit or...
I love to read. I read fiction and non-fiction. In fiction, I particularly like legal thrillers, biblical fiction, and WW2 historical fiction. I read lots of biblical commentary and theologically heavy non-fiction like A.W. Tozer and R.C. Sproul. But I don’t handle...
Ever wonder just how you should apply Scripture to your life? It can be overwhelming. While every passage in the Bible has just one original meaning, the specific application for an individual’s life can be virtually endless. And, the application can change depending...
God wants us to understand His Word. So why do we sometimes struggle with the meaning of a particular Bible passage? And why do sincere believers sometimes reach different interpretations of the same passage? Key point: The problem is always on our end, never...
The Bible has endless application for our lives, but only one meaning. Every part of Scripture means the same thing today as it did when it was written. In our desire to understand the Bible, our goal should be to discover that one original meaning. To grasp the...
Titus Bible Study
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