My father passed away four weeks ago. This week, my brother, sister-in-law, and I are getting Mom settled in a memory care facility close to my brother’s place. Now, in the latter stages of Alzheimer’s, Mom needs more help than she can get at home. It’s been a...
The call came from my father-in-law right after dinner. He and Wayne’s mom had been in a car accident. He had suffered some cuts and bruises. She was with Jesus. We had seen them two weeks earlier for Christmas when we made the 2,000 mile trek from where we lived in...
This is the third installment of a blog series about why God allows Christians to face difficulties and trials. In a previous post we explored Scriptures that confirm, “Yes, Christians will have trouble!” (Read that post now.) Then we saw that God works in our trials...
This is the second in a series of posts about why God allows Christians to face difficulties and trials. In the first post, we explored Scriptures that confirm, “Yes, Christians will have trouble!” (Read that post now.) In this and following posts we will discover...
Titus Bible Study
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