Was Jesus really the promised Messiah of the Old Testament? Christians observe Christmas to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. But why? Why is the birth of one baby so significant? Christians recognize that the babe born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago was...
A few years ago, while speaking at a ladies’ Christmas event, something significant happened. As I began to read portions of the Christmas story from my Bible, I discovered I did not need it. The words flowed from memory – KJV style. “Being great with...
Prayer is vital for believers. God’s Word tells us to “pray without ceasing.” In other words, we should have a constant attitude of prayer, an unbroken connection with our Heavenly Father. In good times, in bad times, all the time. And yet,...
Please welcome my guest, Janet McHenry, author of the new book “The Complete Guide to the Prayers of Jesus.” Janet is a mighty “prayer walker!” When I was crossing a corner as I prayerwalked in our small town in the Sierra Valley, I remembered...
One of our family’s Christmas traditions has been to read the biblical Christmas story together on Christmas Eve. We read those chapters from Matthew and Luke about the angels, the shepherds, the star, the magi, and the infant Christ born in a stable in Bethlehem....
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