Yes, I want to follow God where He leads. I long for Him to use me in big ways that impact His Kingdom. But I also admit to you I’ve missed many of His small things – today opportunities – because I was looking for some great thing, some long-term...
Humans are hard-wired to worship. God created us for that very purpose – to praise Him. …the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. Isaiah 43:21, NIV Humans will worship. We cannot help ourselves. Just look around. Any individual who...
I hear the phrase pop up often in conversation. It goes something like… Oh yes, our rebellious teenager is my cross to bear. Or perhaps… This chronic illness is my cross to bear. The phrase “cross to bear” reflects the cross Jesus was forced to...
The other day I saw a shirt for sale online with this printed across the front: “I love Jesus, but I cuss a little.” You can also get the slogan on a coffee mug, refrigerator magnet, or apron. Seriously? Is this supposed to be funny? Like every believer, I...
Our house was full during the Memorial Day weekend. All three of our grown kids were here. Plus two spouses, one fiance, and our 3-year-old grandson. It was fun. It was special. It was exhausting. We cooked, we swam, we played games, we made homemade ice cream. And we...
Titus Bible Study
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