We talk a lot about having a quiet time with God, but not as much about what it is or what it looks like. Although the term isn’t in the Bible, Jesus modeled it for us. Christians use the phrase “quiet time” to describe that regular, intentional time...
Do you hunger for God’s Word? If you didn’t own a Bible, would you stand in line for hours to possess one? Many years ago, I witnessed a desperation for God’s Word from some spiritually hungry people. The people on the street crowded in tight around...
Familiar Bible passages are a bit like old friends. Because we’ve known them so long and are so comfortable around them, we don’t expect to find anything new or different when we’re with them. And if there was something about them we didn’t know, we might miss it...
I used to think it showed God disrespect to mark in your Bible, so I didn’t. But years later my understanding changed. God’s words, His divinely inspired message is perfect and holy but the ink and paper on which it’s printed is not. I also heard many godly men and...
I have mixed feelings about using a devotional. I know, that sounds funny coming from someone who has written several devotional books, so let me clarify. Printed devotionals and daily online devotions can be wonderful guides and supplemental tools, but they should...
Titus Bible Study
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