4 Biblical Expressions of Worship

4 Biblical Expressions of Worship

Humans are hard-wired to worship. God created us for that very purpose – to praise Him. …the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise. Isaiah 43:21, NIV Humans will worship. We cannot help ourselves. Just look around. Any individual who...

Meditate on these 4 Names of God

The Bible abounds with names for God. From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 , Scripture is packed with descriptive names that help us understand God’s nature and know Him more. From… In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) To…...
Creation Sings about the Holiness of God

Creation Sings about the Holiness of God

Before the stars dotted the heavens and the waves crashed on the shore, God existed in all His holiness. Divine, perfect nature witnessed solely by the Triune God Himself. Then He spoke, and His majesty burst forth in visible wonder. He splashed His glory across the...

Titus Bible Study

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