
Have you ever been lonely? Perhaps you’re lonely now. You can feel lonely even in a crowd without a close companion by your side.

People leave. Death and distance separate loved ones. Relationships dissolve. Trouble and time tear us apart.

Even the most loving and dependable people will eventually leave us. Christians will face hardship, loneliness, and a multitude of other trials. But there is One who will never forsake us. One who is always for us.

May these Scriptures from God’s Word give you peace and comfort as you draw close to the One who will never leave you.

  1. Deuteronomy 31:6 – God is with you in the midst of any and every fearful and difficult circumstance.
  2. Psalm 118:6-7 – The LORD is with you! He is your Helper and Victor.
  3. Psalm 9:9-10 – The Lord’s sheltering presence is safe and reliable. He will never forsake those who seek Him.
  4. Psalm 68:5-6 – God draws close to those who are lonely and provides for them. He is a “father to the fatherless” and He “sets the lonely in families.”
  5. Isaiah 41:10 – God holds you in His hand. He will help you and give you strength.
  6. Lamentations 3:22-24 – The LORD is all you need. He is faithful, loving, and compassionate to those who wait for Him.
  7. John 14:16-21 – The Lord’s presence is permanent and intimate.
  8. Romans 8:39 – Nothing can ever separate you from Jesus and His love.
  9. 2 Timothy 4:16-18 – Even if everyone else deserts you, the Lord will stand at your side and strengthen you.

Even if you feel alone, you can trust that God is with you. Ask Him to comfort you with His faithful presence today.

Which verse spoke most to your heart today? Why?

Titus Bible Study

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