Some Christians avoid reading or studying the book of Hebrews. I’ve heard various reasons for this. Some think Hebrews is more difficult to read than the other New Testament epistles. (Also see “8 Tips to Help You Understand the Epistles.“) Others don’t like the abundance of Old Testament references and imagery. I’ve even heard that some think Hebrews is just for Jewish Christians.
Whatever your reason, if you have been neglecting this important book I hope this post will encourage you to open your Bible to the book of Hebrews and start reading. Every word in God’s Word – from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 – is valuable for His people. (See also “Finding Treasure in the Boring Parts of the Bible.”)
3 Reasons to Dive into the Book of Hebrews
- To connect the dots between the Old Testament and the New Testament – Some Christians also avoid reading the Old Testament because they think it’s not relevant for Christians. After all, we are under the New Covenant! But the Old Covenant revealed in the Old Testament laid the foundation for the New Covenant. Same God, same purposes, same plan. The New Covenant through Christ fulfilled everything God began with the Old. Reading and studying the Old Testament gives us a greater understanding and appreciation of what Christ accomplished for us. All the elements of the Old Covenant – the priest, sacrificial system, tabernacle, Jewish festivals, and more – reflect Christ. They are shadows of the much greater spiritual reality. The book of Hebrews beautifully describes these truths. The author shows us the inseparable relationship between the Old Covenant and the New. Reading Hebrews will help you fall in love with the Old Testament! (See also “6 Reasons to Read and Study the Old Testament” and “Look for Jesus in the Old Testament.“)
- To experience spiritual encouragement – The original audience of Hebrews were considering abandoning Jesus and returning to Judaism. They were discouraged by the spiritual persecution they faced. Following Jesus was harder than they expected and they weren’t sure they could continue. You may have felt that same way. You may not have been tempted to turn to anything religion, but perhaps you may have cooled in your devotion to Jesus because following Him was not easy. The author of Hebrews poignantly reminds us that nothing the world can offer compares to Jesus. Knowing Him and experiencing the salvation that only He gives is superior to any and everything else. The book reminds us to cling to Jesus and keep our eyes on His future, eternal promises. What Jesus has for us now and in eternity is worth far more than temporary comfort in this life. (See also “10 Characteristics of Faith from the Hebrews Hall of Faith.“)
- To gain a deeper understanding of Jesus – Hebrews digs deep into the character, nature, and work of Jesus. The author touches on Jesus as Son and King, but particularly emphasizes the role of Jesus as our great High Priest. As High Priest, He has offered a superior sacrifice and instituted a better covenant. And as our great High Priest, Jesus gives us bold confidence to approach God’s throne of grace. A better appreciation of these deep theological truths will help us better worship our superior Savior.
Have I convinced you?
Ready to dig into Hebrews?Check out my newest book “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Book of Hebrews” This 4th volume of the meaty Deep Rooted devotional series takes you through this book of the Bible in 40 days. The book uses a simple inductive study method to help you understand and apply the eternal truths in this beautiful book. Find out more about the book here or see it on Amazon.
If you‘ve read or studied Hebrews, what stuck with you from this beautiful book?
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