The time to prepare for a storm is before the first raindrop falls. Before the sky turns dark. Before the wind begins to whip. Because once it hits, it’s too late. Too late to run to the store for batteries. Too late to stock up on non-perishable food.
Likewise, the time to prepare for life’s storms is before they come. Before the struggle. Before the grief. Before the loss. Before the pain.
Because when we’re in the midst of them our emotions rise up and we forget. We forget the important truths about God that can help strengthen and sustain just when we need them most.
There are many glorious truths about God we could grab hold of and cling to through the next storm. But I want to point you to three. Three truths that you can use to combat the confusion of your emotions and the lies of Satan that will threaten to overtake you when your world gets tossed around.
1. God loves you and will never leave you.
Over and over in His Word God declares His love for us. Yet when hard times come, sometimes we doubt this eternal truth. We think, “If God loved me He wouldn’t let this happen.” Yet, God never promised this life would be easy. In fact, Jesus clearly warned us that we would have trouble in this world (John 16:33).
And even though we may have to endure difficulty, we are not alone. God is always with us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He walks beside us and strengthens us. He may allow the waters to rise, but we will not be swept away (Isaiah 43:2)!
2. God knows and cares about your every need.
Our all-knowing God is aware of our every need – physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual. He knows when the bills are greater than the bank account. He knows when you’re weary from life’s daily demands. He knows when you need a friend. He not only sees and knows, He also cares (Matthew 6:31-33). He wants to be your provision. He will move to meet your needs as you turn to Him (1 Peter 5:7). Don’t wait!
3. God will work through your trouble to accomplish His purposes.
God does not waste anything He allows into our lives. He uses trials and troubles to refine our character and shape us to look more like Jesus (James 1:2-4). And in ways I can’t pretend to understand, He also orchestrates all the circumstances of earth to fulfill His divine plans and purposes. Anything man does with evil intent, God can and does use for good (Exodus 50:19-20). Any difficult thing He allows into your life, He (Romans 8:28) can use for your benefit. Trust Him to work out the big picture in His timing.
Remembering these three truths can make all the difference when trials and difficulties blow into our lives. They’re easy to remember, but also quick to get buried when the rubble starts piling up.
Let’s talk! How can we remember to not forget? Give us your ideas! For instance, we could type them up and put them on our fridge or write them inside the cover of our Bible. Share your thoughts!
I just walked with a family through a horrible tragedy. I came away realizing in a very profound way the importance of “putting hay in the barn” spiritually. When I was training for a 5k my coach told me that with each practice run I was putting hay in the barn. Come race day, I would draw on whatever hay was in the barn. If I skipped too many training runs, I wouldn’t have enough hay to get us through the race in the manner I hoped for. In the same way, I realized that we must not neglect our times of training with God…when we study His word, talk to him, listen to him, and fellowship with him. That is our spiritual hay in the barn that we draw on in times of tragedy or hardship. You’ve given some great tips for putting hay in the barn!
Hi Laura, thanks for sharing this analogy with us! Great image to help us remember our need to be prepared before the hard times come.