The world my grandchildren will know is very different from the world of my childhood. Or even the world my children grew up in. We live in a highly sexualized culture that permeates everything. Greed, selfishness, and self-indulgence also run rampant.
It seems it gets harder every day for a Christ-follower to navigate the landmines of our society. Morals and values have shifted dramatically away from God’s standards. Almost every day another story in the news demonstrates this ongoing clash between the world’s values and God’s standards. (For more info see Ed Stetzer’s article on Christian responses to cultural change in Christianity Today.)
3 ways Christians Deal with the Culture Clash
- Separate from the world – Granted, it’s easier to live by God’s standards if we remove ourselves from the influence of the world. But there’s one big problem with that. In doing so, we also remove the influence of Christ from the world. Jesus calls us to go out into the world and take the Gospel (John 17:14-18), not hunker down in a holy bunker.
- Live by God’s standards out in the world – This is the hardest road to walk. But God promised that through His divine power, He has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). With discipline, intentionality, and constant dependence on the Holy Spirit, we can live lives that please God and honor the name of Christ.
- Compromise in one or more areas – Although some believers do simply throw up their hands without even trying to live by God’s standards, the majority of us simply straddle the fence here and there. Sometimes we compromise. Sometimes we think God’s way is “too hard” or “too boring” or just “too weird” compared to the world.
4 Reasons Christians Compromise with the Culture:
So why do we do it? Why do followers of Christ sometimes follow the world? Here are four reasons based on time in God’s Word and a bit of observation:
- Indulge our own desires – This is probably the most frequent reason. We have sinful desires and sometimes we give in to them. Let’s remember – We never have to give in to temptation. God will always provide a way out if we will take it (1 Corinthians 10:13).
- Ignorance of God’s Word – Sometimes believers live like the world in one or more areas simply because they don’t know God’s standard. Yet God calls us to “not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance,” but to be holy in all we do (1 Peter 1:13-15). Thankfully we can learn since we have full access to His Word! (Also see “God’s Truth Trumps Culture Every Time.”)
- Fear of being “labeled” – Sometimes believers worry more about what the world will think of us than what God will think of us. We don’t want to be considered a “bigot” or “self-righteous.” We don’t want to be different or stand out in a crowd. So we compromise to fit in.
- Misguided attempt to be relevant – I’ve heard and seen Christians – even Christian leaders – dress and speak in questionable ways in an attempt to connect with the culture. If our speech or dress or behavior shocks or offends even a handful of Christians in the room, we should reconsider. Jesus and His message of salvation are always relevant. We don’t have to compromise to share them.
Do you find it hard to live by God’s standards in this world? Is one of these four reasons a bigger struggle than the others? Why do you think that is?
Hi Kathy, you and I share the same passion for Christians to be bold in a world that is quickly forgetting God! Thank you for this relevant blog post. It’s also what I wrote about in Forsaken God?: Remembering the Goodness of God Our Culture Has Forgotten. That book’s audience is Christians and encouraging them in ways to not only remember who God is in their life, but keep God relevant in the public square. It’s not an easy task today, but I know God will honor our efforts when we give Him the glory.
Hey, Kathy! Thanks for the insight. I agree and disagree with your last point ;). I feel that asking ourselves if a fellow Christian would be offended by what we wear, do or say is to measure ourselves by the wrong stick. We need to ask ourselves if we’d be comfortable wearing, doing, or saying said thing before JESUS. And in order to do that, we much know him intimately. All too often Christians project their personal viewpoints on God and Jesus and declare what is right or wrong in their own eyes.
Congratulations on the new grandson! Our first grandson will make an appearance in a few months (I’m waiting not very patiently, either 😉 )>
Hi Anita! Thanks for coming by and for giving input. I apologize for not making that last point more clear. Maybe an example will help. I have heard Christians use foul language – words that even our culture considers to be curse words – in an attempt to connect with non-Christians. Jesus never compromised His Father’s standards to connect with the crowds. And yet He did “offend” many religious leaders. I understand what you’re saying though. No matter what we do – even when following Jesus as closely as possible – we will never be able to please everyone all the time!
Absolutely Wonderful Clarity
We need this conversation in the public square where these areas are properly dissected and dispensed based upon our biblical principles.
Truth is the Light.
Seeds of the Word grow understanding and clarity as to why we all born again Believers need to be the church that is set apart from the worlds system and feelings,Perceptions of what is acceptable or presentable to God.
When Sacrafice were presented to God they were always done based upon what was acceptable according to Gods Standards and guidelines because the peoples Perceptions,view of what was Holy,acceptable to God was
If those directions were not applied properly those Sacrafices were deemed unacceptable.
Compromise will always defile our Sacraficial offering.
So in the context of this
whole idea
all God wants is an obedient uncompromised offering that doesn’t require a sacrafice
But simply upholding his Standard. Our reasonable service
This is awesome answer
But more importantly awesome Question which I believe should be the bases for a response that only should come after seeing what God Christ Jesus thinks
Because his feelings about the issue is what mine should be not our own.
His Will,Plan is always the correct
You are quite correct, tt is a daily challenge. Our twenty-first century American life implores us to conform, yet unlike other cultures throughout history, the techniques used are different. Instead of coercion, our contemporary culture has achieved great success through psychological manipulation. This has been accomplished through various methods including mass marketing, a standardized public school system, and the adoption of corporate business models into church organization and growth.
I agree i have witnessed as the culture change many Christians conform quickly to adopt the world behavior and bring it into the church, like the way the world talk and dress today, they are rapping and singing with worldly dance moves in the church and they enjoy this style and get attitudes or bored with the word of God because they want entertainment in the Church. They go as far as leaving a Bible believing church to go to churches that support there style and have people who share there views and opinions. What is happening to the church today? People want to be popular and spread God word with a worldly attitude and they become offended when you talk to them about why they have to act like the world to draw the souls in.
Hi Kathy,
Thank you for your timely post. I believe that worldliness within the professing church is a huge problem. It grieves me greatly because we are supposed to be salt and light. The bible exhorts us many times to walk worthy of the gospel of Christ – Colossians 1:10, Ephesians 4:1, Philippians 1:27, 3John 1:6. Our Saviour is WORTHY!
I believe like you stated that it is in part due to ignorance of God’s word. To me, this ignorance is excusable and understandable in the case of new Christians but not when those concerned have been in church and heard the word for years. In such cases I cannot help but wonder whether the foundation of their faith is faulty. Has there been true repentance? Do they have true understanding of why Christ came? Do they understand that God’s will is our sanctification. Do they understand that God’s plan is our conformity to Christ? Could some be tares set among the wheat?
The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:19: “But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.””
Dear all,
It is interesting and helpful to bring such sensitive issues on board. I believe that God’s word is entirely perfect. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
“gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
(ገላ 5: 22-23)
Look in to verse 23. Some tend to group christians as carnal and spiritual. While living a committed Christian life, I mean by his grace, you seek to conform to anything that pleases the master. We are purchased by his blood we are not our own. Above all we have drunk of one spirit. Still we can have different views and opinions in Christian doctrines. That is fine. But, we are not expected to have different views whether we choose to please the master or not. Let’s follow his example. It is not unclear.
Phi 2:6-8, Gal 4:19
Thank you for writing about this. I grieve as I see how many Christians are compromising with biblical truth these days. I think the “relevance” point is a biggie. … I’m also examining my own life, because it’s so easy for idols to take up residence in our hearts—especially if we are not consistently in the Word. The idol of “people pleasing” is an easy one for Christ-followers to ignore… especially writers/speakers. I am thankful the Holy Spirit is “in residence” in my heart, and He will not tolerate any idols. He speaks to my heart, and I need to listen and obey. Janet Thompson’s book (which she mentioned) is a good one for weeding out the ways we compromise—with biblical remedies for re-establishing a heart solely for God.
I like the way you describe living by God’s standards and not the world’s, i do have a question and the Lord has put in my heart not to mimic the world in a Godly way, like trunk or treat, or Easter egg hunts, and going extravagant at Christmas , and not to waste money on birthday presents, but just to give all year long and with the love of Jesus, it is ok i think to have a dinner and something on halloween night, but not to do the same activitiy in a godly way, where the children go from trunk to trunk to get candy , it is the same concept of the world, in a different way, I don’t participate in these things because the Lord doesn’t want me involved in that
I consider those things you are asking about to be “disputable matters” or “matter of opinion” like Paul writes about in Romans 14. Sincere Christians feel differently about these things. We each must study God’s Word and act in ways that don’t violate our conscience. May God give you clear direction.
i love Jesus
I really appreciate this insight. Many Christians today are rejecting a biblical worldview. My husband preached a message one Sunday on Christians have a biblical worldview and was called that evening by one of the parishioners who basically demanded that he not preach on that subject again, I heard the conversation and was somewhat shocked. She said that it was indirectly related to politics. My husband told her he never mentioned politics but that’s how she took it. He told her, we as Christians should look at the world in every area of our lives whether it be politics or anything else through a biblical worldview and he must preach the whole truth. She did not return the next Sunday. Praying that her eyes would be opened to the Truth. Not our truth but God’s Truth. Thank you again!
Hi Jacqueline, thanks for reading and commenting. I am so thankful for godly men like your husband who stand on and preach God’s truth. Sadly, there are some even in our churches who don’t want to hear it. They have been impacted too much by the culture. May God continue to guide and strengthen you and your husband for the work He has called you to.