The following post is adapted from my upcoming new book “Deep Rooted: Growing through the Book of Romans.” Romans is a beautiful exposition of the gospel. This Bible book not only answers the question “What is sin?” it also clearly shows how...
On that first Good Friday, three crosses stood on Golgotha. Jesus hung on the middle cross, willing taking the punishment we deserved. On the other crosses, hung two thieves, condemned to die for their own crimes. Three crosses and three men. Two needed salvation....
I’ve often referred to myself as a “cultural Christian.” I grew up in the church, walked the aisle at 8-years-old, said a prayer, and was baptized. Then I spent the next 18 years doubting my salvation and “rededicating” my life again and...
The Bible is full of word pictures to help us understand spiritual truths. One of the best known and most loved is the armor of God Paul describes in Ephesians. I know some Christians who “pray on the armor of God” every day. While we definitely need that level of...
Without the resurrection we have no hope for eternity. Jesus’ death on the cross is not sufficient to provide the abundant and eternal life God has promised us. The apostle Paul firmly believed the cross was not enough. Read what he wrote to the Corinthian Christians:...
When did God plan Easter? When did He decide that Jesus had to die and rise again to provide salvation for the world? God crafted His plan of redemption long before the nation of Israel fell into idolatry. Before He instituted the Old Covenant with the sacrificial...
Titus Bible Study
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