5 Teaching Methods of Jesus

5 Teaching Methods of Jesus

Jesus wasn’t just a master teacher, He was THE master teacher. Jesus amazed the crowds. He taught with authority, not like the scribes (Matthew 7:28-29). Even the temple guards declared they never heard anyone teach like Jesus (John 7:45-46). The Pharisee Nicodemus...
3 Reasons to Read and Study Hebrews

3 Reasons to Read and Study Hebrews

Some Christians avoid reading or studying the book of Hebrews. I’ve heard various reasons for this. Some think Hebrews is more difficult to read than the other New Testament epistles. (Also see “8 Tips to Help You Understand the Epistles.”) Others don’t like the...
How is Easter Connected to Passover?

How is Easter Connected to Passover?

Years ago, some Jewish friends invited us to join them for Seder, the ceremonial meal that begins the Passover festival. Passover commemorates God’s deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt. This is the meal Jesus ate with His disciples in the upper room on the...
The #1 Way to Know God’s Will

The #1 Way to Know God’s Will

There have been moments I wished God would send me an email to tell me exactly what He wanted me to do in a particular situation. I desperately wanted to know God’s will, so I could do the right thing, but I wasn’t sure what the right thing was. Most Christians...

Titus Bible Study

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