I’m fascinated by the stories of my ancestors. I want to know where they came from, what they were like, and if they lived in a way to leave a valuable spiritual legacy. Their stories help me understand how I got to be “me.” Maybe you feel the same way. The Bible...
Want your children and grandchildren to love God and follow Him? God wants that too. That’s why He calls each generation to pass our faith to the next. Although we cannot believe for our descendants, we can create an atmosphere in our homes where faith can...
Do you use foul language? You might and not even realize it. Foul language is far more than 4-letter words and other types of speech our society considers offensive. God’s Word calls any speech that doesn’t “build up” the hearer to be “unwholesome” or “corrupt.” I’ve...
COVID-19 has changed many things. Perhaps even your daily time with God. After all, how do you have a quiet time when you’re literally never alone. With schools and daycares closed and your spouse working from home it’s even hard to get to the bathroom by yourself. I...
Today’s post about the value of our words is written by Kathy Collard Miller. It’s based on her new Bible study “Heart Wisdom: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series.” Finding the right words can be a challenge. Sometimes we use too many....
I’m a terrible “waiter.” I don’t mean waiting on tables, though I’m not very good at that either. I mean waiting on things to happen. Like a fun vacation. Or a visit from friends. My most recent period of waiting was on the birth of our first granddaughter. After four...
Titus Bible Study
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