two butterflys on a flower

This past week, God gave our family two new lives over which to rejoice. On Wednesday, our son’s wife gave birth to their first child, a son. He is a beautiful, healthy boy and we are so very thankful.

Then on Saturday, my mother finally won her battle with Alzheimer’s when God called her home to eternal life in heaven. And although we grieve that she is no longer with us, we also rejoice that her real life has begun.

The Giver of Two New Lives

God is the creator and giver of life. He forms the child in the womb. (For more on this, see “What Does the Bible Say about Life in the Womb?“) And He also knows the length of our lives here on earth. (See Psalm 139:16 and Job 14:5.) Yes, God gives physical life. He miraculously forms our bodies and gives us with the very breath of life. But God also gives spiritual life.

Praise God, He did not create us just for life on this broken earth. God created us for eternity. We are physical AND spiritual beings with capacity to relate to our Creator. Our bodies are merely temporary tents for our souls. (For more about our need for a Savior and God’s merciful provision for salvation see “How to Know Jesus.”)

My mother’s physical tent was beyond repair. Her body and mind were ravaged by a cruel disease. We have been grieving her loss for years now. But my mother had a saving relationship with Jesus. So, we have been waiting for God to fulfill His promise to her of new life. We have been longing for her suffering to end and for her glorious eternity with her Savior to begin. Now she is home.

Thoughts of Heaven

The past few days I’ve thought a lot about Mom’s home going. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about heaven and what it will be like for us. Perhaps that’s because it’s so wonderful, our limited minds could not comprehend the description. But Scripture does tell us there will be no more pain. No more grief.

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Revelation  21:4, ESV

On the night He was arrested, Jesus told His disciples that our “Fathers’ home” (aka “heaven”) has many rooms. Jesus also said He was going to prepare a place for those who belong to Him. (See John 14:1-2.)  There is a place, a room for my Mom in heaven. Maybe even a “mansion?”

My parents used to sing together often – at church and at home. My mom had a lovely alto voice and my dad a sweet tenor. One duet I particularly remember signing was “I’ve Got a Mansion.” Mom would sit at the piano in our living room and play. Dad would stand behind her and together they would sing:

“I’ve got a mansion, just over the hilltop. In that bright land where, we’ll never grow old. And some day yonder, we will never more wander. But walk on streets that are purest gold.”

Today Mom is clothed in her resurrection body and enjoying her heavenly home. Her mind is restored. Her beautiful voice is praising her Savior. Can’t wait to join in Mom. See you later.

Titus Bible Study

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