
It’s common knowledge that our diets directly affect the health and working of our bodies. And while we may not eat right 100% of the time, most of us try to do what’s best for our bodies overall. Unfortunately, we aren’t always as careful with what we feed our minds. And it shows – not only in our view of the world, but also in our spiritual health.

What we put into our minds shapes our thinking. The way we think directly affects our character and behavior. For instance, if we repeatedly and exclusively hear society’s view that God’s teaching on sexual relationships is outdated and waiting for marriage is ridiculous, then we are likely to have sex outside of marriage. But if we learn about God’s perfect design for sexuality and marriage and accept His Word as timeless truth, it’s more likely our behavior will line up with that thinking.

What We Think about Matters

What our culture considers “good, moral, and acceptable” is a far cry from the truth of God’s Word. When we watch, read, and participate in things out of line with God’s truth our thinking becomes desensitized. As our thinking shifts and conforms to the world our character and behavior will follow.

The Bible shows the direct correlation between the way we think – our worldview – and our spiritual well-being. (See also, Do you have a Christian Worldview?)

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2, ESV

The Greek word translated as “renewal” in the ESV in Romans 12:2 means the “adjustment of the moral and spiritual vision and thinking to the mind of God, which is designed to have a transforming effect upon the life.” (Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary.) Basically, as we study God’s Word, His truth reshapes the way we think, aligning it with God’s. As our thinking aligns with His, His Spirit shapes our attitudes, motivations, and behavior to match Christ’s.

A Challenge to Evaluate Your Brain Food

Only the Holy Spirit can transform us (Titus 3:5), but we can cooperate with His work by feeding our mind with truth. Let’s ask God to show us where our thinking is out of line with His truth. Let’s ask Him to renew our thinking and transform our spiritual health. And let’s cooperate with Him in practical ways.

God’s Word tells us to think on things that are true, noble, right, pure lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Could these characteristics describe the things you’re allowing into your mind?

Want to be spiritually fit? Start by honestly evaluating what you’re allowing into your mind. Use this downloadable worksheet BRAIN FOOD to evaluate the “food” you’re feeding your mind and how it may be shaping your thinking. Be as honest and as comprehensive as possible.

If you long to breakdown a secular worldview and build a biblical one, respond to what you discovered when you filled out the BRAIN FOOD worksheet. Consider these questions:

  • What things on your list do you feel have the most negative impact on your thinking?
  • Does God want you to reduce or eliminate any of these?
  • How can you manage your time to include more time filling your mind with God’s truth

Feeding Your Mind with Spiritual Health Food

 Ready to start “renewing your mind” but aren’t sure how to get started? There are countless ways to feed on the truth of God’s Word, but here are a few to get you started:

  • Read the Bible regularly
  • Listen to God’s Word (sermons, podcasts, audio Bible, etc)
  • Memorize Scripture
  • Meditate on Scripture
  • Join a Bible study group – I lead one on Facebook I’d love for you to check out. “Reading the Bible Together.”
  • Listen to worship and praise music while you work or drive

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of change? Be patient with yourself. Just like it takes time and determination to improve our physical condition, our spiritual maturity doesn’t happen overnight.  Ask God and other Christians for help and accountability.

I’d love to help! My website is packed with free Bible study material and discipleship tools like Bible reading plans, quiet time tips, Scripture memory helps, and prayer helps. Check out the Free Resources page.

What other ways you can think of to feed our minds with the truth of God’s Word and override the lies from our culture?



Titus Bible Study

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