good enough faith

I think I’ve settled in many ways. Settled into a life of faith that’s comfortable… easy… doable. After all, I’ve  grown and I’ve gone and I’ve served. Surely I can keep this comfortable pace. Isn’t this level of faith good enough? Isn’t “good enough” faith, good enough?

I’d never settle for a lukewarm latte if I ordered “extra hot.” And my husband and I didn’t live with it when the painter used the wrong color on our back door. So why am I satisfied with a good enough faith?

God calls us to push the boundaries of our comfort zone. To step into unfamiliar territory. To obediently follow Him into areas of service we can’t tackle in our own strength. Because only then will we depend on Him. Only then will He get the glory.

So why do I settle? Why do you settle?

Maybe it’s fear. Maybe we’re afraid that God will ask us to give up something we don’t want to give up. Or maybe we fear ridicule or failure.

Or maybe we simply love where we are too much. We don’t desire where God wants to take us. We don’t long to see His miraculous activity in the midst of our meager offering.

Paul didn’t settle for good enough faith

The apostle Paul never, ever settled. And he never shrunk back. He planted churches, shared the Gospel with kings, resuscitated the dead in Jesus’ name, and endured great persecution for Christ’s sake. Yet he never felt as though his faith was “good enough.” He never felt as though he had “arrived.”

Paul had been a rising star in the Jewish world. He had the world by the tail. But he left it all to follow Jesus. Yet even then, he wanted more. He would not stop pursuing Christ until he saw Him face to face:

 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14

I guess the real question is this: Do I want Jesus more than I want to stay where I am? Do I long for more of Jesus more than I long for easy, comfortable, doable?

That’s a good question.

What about you? Do you long for Jesus more than… Or is your “good enough” faith good enough?

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