This post is a giveaway for Mother’s Day. Read to the end to find out how to enter!
This Mother’s Day, many mothers dear to me are struggling. Some battle illness. Others suffer grief and loss. Still others are weighed down and overwhelmed with the trials of life. But no matter their specific struggle, they can all find strength in the same Source. They can all take refuge in the same Rock.
God never promised us a life free of pain and trouble. In fact, He clearly told us it would come. But the world and anything it can throw at us is no match for the One and Only.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33, NIV
God’s Word is full of His promises for times of trouble. Promises of strength and comfort and peace and guidance.
His Word also teaches us that if we build the foundation of our life on Christ, we will stand when the storms come:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25, NIV
Does your mom need comfort and encouragement this Mother’s Day? Maybe you need comfort and encouragement. God longs to give it. He is able to give it.
God sees. He knows all about your circumstances. And He cares. He invites you to come to Him with all of it.
Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22, NIV
He desires to be your help and strength.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1, NIV
Maybe you don’t know how to start. How to lean on Him. Sit in His presence. Immerse yourself in His Word.
I pray He will strengthen and comfort you today. I’d also like to give you a chance to win one of two resources that can encourage your heart and bolster your faith. I’m giving away a copy of my devotional book God is My Refuge and one of my Bible studies Unshakeable Faith. You can enter up to 4 times! Here’s how:
- Leave a comment on this post.
- Share this post on Facebook. Then let me know in a separate comment here.
- Share this post on Pinterest. Then let me know in a separate comment here.
- Share this post on Twitter. Then let me know in a separate comment here.
I will draw two winners. One for each book! The giveaway closes at 8am on Monday, May 11. I will let winners know by email.
You are such an encouragement to others. Thank you.
Hi Ruth, thanks for coming by! You are entered in the giveaway!
You are entered a second time!
Ruth, you are entered a third time. Thanks for sharing the post!
I posted to Facebook but have no idea how to share the link.
Thank you
Thanks again! No worries, simply telling me in a comment you posted to FB gets you entered for the 4th time!
I would love to share Gos is My Refuge with Either my mother or daughter (mother of 3).
Thank you for putting together such a wonderful tool to seek out Lord
Janet, my friend, you are entered!
Kathy, as a Mother, MIL, and Women’s Ministry Coordinator I have several people I would love to encourage with your resources. Blessings!
Hi Marilyn, thanks for coming by! You are entered for the giveaway!
Kathy, as a Mother, MIL, and Women’s Ministry Coordinator, I have several ladies I would love to encourage with your resources. Blessings!
I am always looking for words of encouragement. Thanks.
Can’t we all! You are entered for the drawing!
Thanks! You are entered twice!
shared on facebook
You are entered 3 times!
And 4 times!
Thanks for the chance to win. It’s always a treat to read or study something from Kathy Howard!
Marilyn, thanks for your kind words. You are entered!
Hi Kathy! I would LOVE either one of these books for myself, my mom, my daughter, or my daughter-in-law!
Darlean, thanks for coming by! You are entered in the giveaway!
Shared on Pinterest!! 🙂
You are entered twice!
And shared on Facebook! I don’t have a Twitter account though, so nothing there! haha
You are entered three times!
My daughter is a mom of 4 energetic boys and has experienced the criticism of others who witness less than ideal behavior of these kids and are critical of her parenting skills. I would love to see her take comfort in Christ as the only judge.
Diane, so sorry to hear about your daughter’s struggles as a mom. It’s the hardest job in the world. You are entered for the giveaway!
This is so awesome Kathy!!! Such a great way to bless & encourage Mothers!! God Bless You!!!
Thanks for coming by Donna! You are entered to win!
Hi Kathy,
Thank you for the chance to win! As mom’s we need lots of encouragement.. and then we need to pass it on to others struggling.
Hi Denise! You are so right, we moms need all the encouragement we can get! You are entered in the giveaway.
posted on pinterest
Teresa, you are entered a 2nd time!
You are entered a 3rd time!
posted on facebook
You are entered a 4th time!
I would like to give a book to the daughter of my best friend who went to Heaven last month
We will count this entry for your friend!
I shared this on facebook and pinterest.
Hi Lisa, glad you came by! Thanks for sharing. Since you shared on two sites, leave another comment here so you can be entered a second time!
Hi Kathy. . Thank you for a chance to win a great gift.
Thanks for coming by Amber! You are entered in the giveaway! 4 times!
I shared it on twitter.
You are entered twice!
I shared it on Facebook.
Three times!
I also shared it on pintrest.
And four times! Thanks for sharing!
I love your words of encouragement.
Thank you Lisa! You are entered in the giveaway!
We all need each other building up one another. Life is more than hard at times. In those times we need other believers to remind us and encourage us to keep our eyes on our Sovereign and Almighty God.
I love to read and be in God’s Word is my passion. Thank you for sharing with us.