When I grow up, I want to be like my friend Kimberly. Someone who can make a difference.
Envision a storyteller, evangelist, Bible teacher, momma bear, and dare devil all mixed together and wrapped up in a beautiful, genteel, southern package. That’s Kimberly Sowell.
Kimberly just doesn’t give, tell, and teach the Gospel, she also lives it. And she never misses an opportunity to share Jesus.
I’ve listened with awe as she seamlessly brought Jesus into a conversation with a shuttle driver on our way to the airport in Birmingham. I’ve watched her lead a Muslim man to Christ outside a prison in Bangladesh. And I’ve given prayer support as she boldly shared the truth about judgment and salvation with a Hindu man on his death bed.
Kimberly has an overwhelming passion for missions. She has been going herself and mobilizing teams for years. But not long ago, Kimberly asked God to use her in a new way.
I want you to hear the rest from Kimberly herself. Please hear her heart and respond as God leads:
A Prayer for a Gift
In 2013, I asked God for a gift. I asked Him to give me a burden for one people group, for one place where I could really dig in deeply to be an advocate for missions to this people. God answered that prayer. He gave me a love for Bangladesh.
Each year, heartbreaking numbers of young women are trafficked throughout the world, and the girls of Bangladesh are some of the most vulnerable on the planet. But God is changing lives through the ministry taking place at Light of Hope Learning Center (LOHLC provides education, like skills, and Bible teaching to at-risk girls in Chittagong, Bangladesh.)
I am grateful to be a part of BFF Ministries (Bangladesh: For Faith and Freedom), an advocacy ministry working to combat human trafficking through hope in Jesus Christ.
(BFF is an advocacy team here in the United States in partnership with the LHLC.
BFF works to raise awareness, rally prayer support, mobilize short-term volunteers, and host BFF parties where women can receive handmade crafts for donations.)
An Important Decision
Several weeks ago, I asked God to teach me something new. I wanted to grow, and I asked God to challenge me in a new way. God brought me to begin studying 2 Corinthians.
At the same time, I became aware of several immediate needs through BFF Ministries. I asked God to meet these needs, and according to God’s perfect timing, I reached chapter 8, where Paul wrote about generously helping Christians in need. I thought about the ministry needs in Bangladesh. Paul pointed to Christ’s sacrifice as an example.
Then Paul wrote this about giving: “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has” (2 Cor. 8:12). I said, “Lord, I am willing mind, and what I have are books and the gift of writing.” Next I read in the Scripture, “At the present time your plenty will supply what they need” (v.14). I knew God was telling me to give to the ministry needs in Bangladesh through my books.
You Can Help Too
Beginning right now, all of the proceeds from my website bookstore and event book table sales will go directly to support the ministry in Bangladesh through the BFF Ministry. I am thrilled that God has given me this open door to support the work of the gospel in Bangladesh. My heart is singing! I always am grateful for women to pick up my books and Bible studies and grow in their walk with Christ, and now every time a book is purchased I can celebrate along with the reader that financial help is on the way to Bangladesh. Praise the Lord!
You can help the work in Bangladesh today by buying one of Kimberly’s books from her website. Visit her online store now.
If you want more information about Kimberly, BFF, or the work in Bangladesh, check out the links below.
Has God ever given you a burden for a specific people or a specific ministry? If so, I would love to hear about it!
BFF Ministries – Bangladesh: For Faith and Freedom
Kimberly Sowell’s online store
Kimberly’s Mission Advocacy for Bangladesh
Commission Stories – An Update on Light of Hope
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