Want to experience the tender love of the Savior? “Prized,” the new book from Jennifer Kennedy Dean, paints a beautiful picture of the kindness and gentleness of Jesus. This 30-day devotional, provides a fresh take on familiar passages, will immerse you in truths...
Did the title catch your attention? Let me repeat. God’s grace is not free. Yes, it’s true that we cannot earn or buy God’s grace. But even though He gives it to us freely, His grace is far from free. The Bible tells us that God loves us and desires to have a...
This is the last in a series of posts on God’s unfailing love. See the first in the series here. How well do you love? Does your love have a positive impact on the people you love? Are they better off because you have loved them? If you’re anything like me, the answer...
Note: This post is the 6th in a series of posts about God’s unfailing love as found in the Psalms of David. See the first post here. What do you long for? What do you spend your time pursuing, thinking about, planning for? Maybe your dream house. Or a family...
Last spring I traveled to Bangladesh in southern Asia. It took four planes and about 36 hours to get there. That was definitely the furthest from home I’ve ever traveled. Yet, that’s nothing compared to the size of our solar system. The earth is about 93 million miles...
Titus Bible Study
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