Does your church talk much about living a holy life? It doesn’t seem to be a very popular topic – even in Christian circles. And yet hypocrisy is the number one reason people give for not wanting to have anything to do with Christianity. Or Christians. When we claim...
Last week I spent two days babysitting my grandson while my daughter and son-in-law worked out of town. We had so much fun! We played cars and trains. We spent lots of time coloring. We walked to the park. We ate ice cream. Twice. Shhh, don’t tell. At just 2 ½, Micah...
Would you like to sit next to God and snuggle up against His side? To be so close you could hear Him breathe? There would be no distance between the two of you, no barriers to prevent you from drawing near. You could linger in His presence and rest in the circle of...
Titus Bible Study
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