Would you like to sit next to God and snuggle up against His side? To be so close you could hear Him breathe? There would be no distance between the two of you, no barriers to prevent you from drawing near. You could linger in His presence and rest in the circle of His embrace.
All of us desire to experience this kind of intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. Yet, we often feel disconnected. We may even sense that something blocks our path to deep, personal companionship with God.
According to Scripture, a life of holiness can pave the way for greater intimacy in our relationship with God. King David, described as a “man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22), understood the connection between a holy life and experiencing God’s presence.
Who may worship in your sanctuary, LORD? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Psalm 15:1-2, NLT
Unholy living floods believers’ lives with the natural consequences of sin, including distance and strain in our relationships with God. But a pursuit of holiness is also a pursuit of God. As we embrace the holy life God calls us to, we are embraced by the Holy One Himself.
Isn’t holiness too difficult?
Many Christians think a holy life is too difficult. They recognize the truth that God commands His children to be holy and want to please Him, but life gets in the way. Others compare themselves to the Christians around them and think they’re doing pretty good. But, God doesn’t call us to “pretty good.” His holiness is our standard (1 Peter 1:16).
Sound like an overwhelming, daunting, impossible task? Humanly speaking it is. But, whatever God requires of His children, He also supplies. God requires holiness, but His Spirit provides the power to turn away from sin. God calls us to holiness and God provides what we need to be holy.
But, why would we want to be holy?
Holiness is for our good and God’s glory.
God calls us to holiness so we can be set free from the bondage and consequences of our own sin. God also knows that a holy life paves the way for deep intimacy with Him (Psalm 15:1-2). Holiness sets us free and draws us close to God!
Holiness in God’s people also brings Him glory. When we live holy lives we reflect God’s character to the world. We become lights in a dark world that lead the way to the Savior.
Holiness. For our good. For God’s glory.
Are you ready to begin the journey toward a holy life? What misconceptions or obstacles have held you back in the past?
Kathy’s brand-new release, Embraced by Holiness: The Path to God’s Daily Presence, helps readers discover a deeper intimacy with God through a life of holiness. This six-week, interactive Bible study explores why believers should pursue holiness and guides readers through practical steps to pursuing a holy life. Enter now for your chance to win a copy! Buy the book now on Amazon.
A holy life for me is a one day at a time adventure/struggle. I wake up each day wanting to walk the path that glorifies God, but daily I stumble. It is impossible to be the perfect person/friend/daughter/wife/mother…..But it is something I DAILY strive for with the help of our gracious Lord!
Kelly, thank you for sharing this. You’re right, we will never fully be the people God wants us to be this side of heaven. Jesus knew it would be a daily struggle. “Take up your cross ‘daily’ and follow me.” We have to purposefully choose each day to die to self and live for Him. It is a daily struggle for me too!
I really want to live a holy every day of my life. I pray I do each day.