(This post includes a free printable to use as a tool to meditate on Scripture.) If we want God’s Word to do its best and most comprehensive work in us, we must meditate on Scripture. Like tough meat requires low, slow heat to tenderize it, we stubborn humans need to...
When I first committed to prayer and Bible reading as a young mom I was pretty consistent in my quiet time. However, it was only because I fully embraced legalism. My personality makes me prone to it. I love to check the boxes and feel that sense of...
Gratitude and peace have been pretty illusive the last few years. In fact, we’ve had plenty of reasons to be anxious – worldwide pandemic, racial strife, supply chain issues, and rising costs. Plus, on a good day we live in a culture that breeds anxiety....
Most of us want to spend quality quiet time with God. We know that regular time with Him will foster our relationship and develop intimacy. So we plan to do it. We commit to it. But then the reality of life and its demands get in the way. We oversleep from exhaustion....
It happens almost 4,800 times a year. That’s 400 times a month or thirteen times a day. Perhaps even now, as you read this sentence, a follower of Jesus will be killed somewhere in the world. And today, many more will endure other forms of suffering because of...
Titus Bible Study
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