Rebecca Barlow Jordan is my guest blogger today! It’s adapted from her new book “Day-votions with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to Meet All Your Needs.” Some things you never forget. The phone call in the middle of the night....
Lent begins next week. Like me, you may not be part of a church tradition that formally observes the Lenten season. But the time period between Ash Wednesday (February 23) and Easter (April 17) is a great time to purposefully reflect on Jesus Christ, His sacrifice for...
It began with a discovery. The discovery prompted a blog post. The blog post caught the eye of an editor. The result is my soon-to-be-released devotional book, “Heirloom: Living and Leaving a Legacy of Faith.” The following post is adapted from “Heirloom.” It...
There’s a lot we don’t know about heaven. We don’t know exactly what heaven will look like – or what we will look like! But, praise God, I do know how we will be spending much of our time. We will be praising God for all eternity! Then I heard...
We naturally praise God when times are easy, but what about when times are hard? Do we purposefully praise God in the midst of grief, loss, and struggle? Can we praise Him now in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? We know God always deserves our praise, no matter our...
Titus Bible Study
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