We talk a lot about having a quiet time with God, but not as much about what it is or what it looks like. Although the term isn’t in the Bible, Jesus modeled it for us. Christians use the phrase “quiet time” to describe that regular, intentional time...
Many Christian women today run hard and fast all day long. Whether you are a full-time mom, have a demanding career, or balance work and family, it can be hard to find even a few minutes to sit with quietly with God, read His Word, and pray. Some days there’s...
I You’re right. For most of us – me included – it’s hard to memorize Scripture. It requires commitment, time, and purposeful effort. I’ll be honest, my own Scripture memory work has been sporadic. But I’ve experienced that the worth far...
I am not always right. I am sure I make Bible mistakes ALL THE TIME. But when I discover I’ve made one, I work to fix it. And I hope that when I make these mistakes someone will graciously point them out to me. So, in a desire to be faithful in even the little...
Want to know God more in the year ahead? How can I help you experience that? The best way to deepen your relationship with God is through deepening your relationship with His Word. God has revealed Himself, His will, and His ways to us through Scripture. God wants us...
Titus Bible Study
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