I thought a lot about the Trinity during my recent study of the Gospel of John. In his account, John emphasized that there is only One true God. But John also showed that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God. One God, three divine Persons. The word...
During the time we lived in Alberta, Canada for my husband’s job, God allowed us to be part of an incredible ministry to spiritual seekers. Dozens were saved through a Bible study we led at our church. It was thrilling to see so many come to faith in Christ. But I...
We hear it a lot. We say it a lot. “All sins are the same.” But is that statement biblically accurate? Throughout history, mankind has naturally recognized some sins, some acts to be more evil than others. But why? Some crimes result in greater harm than others. The...
Just because we hear something – or say something – over and over again doesn’t mean it’s true. For instance, when my grandson Micah was 3-years-old, he referred to Hulu as “WeeHoo.” Whenever my daughter carefully pronounced it...
I am not enough. I am not good enough. I am not strong enough. I am not wise enough. I am not enough. And neither are you. You are not enough. Last week I heard a song on my local Christian radio station that troubled me. The lyrics repeatedly sang “I am...
Titus Bible Study
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