Who has the right to establish truth? Our culture think it does. And sadly, many Americans agree. Including some Christians. The pull of the cultural tide is a powerful force. The changing current of society calls us to jump in and go with the flow. It woos us with...
Messages constantly bombard us. Some reflect truth. Some don’t. Some start with a lie, but twist it enough so it sounds good. It resembles truth just enough to entice us to believe. To deceive us. I subscribe to an online workout program. The other day, during the...
Just because we hear something – or say something – over and over again doesn’t mean it’s true. For instance, when my grandson Micah was 3-years-old, he referred to Hulu as “WeeHoo.” Whenever my daughter carefully pronounced it...
We hear it all the time: “We are all God’s children!” Sounds good, doesn’t it? All humanity united in one family. With one Father. All brother and sisters with Christ Jesus. But that’s not what God says in His Word. The Bible teaches that all humans are...
I’ve carried this for a while now. I have a heavy burden on my heart for the American Church that keeps getting heavier all the time. I’m deeply concerned about our relationship with the Bible. It’s on shaky ground and deteriorating. We don’t know God’s Word like we...
Titus Bible Study
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